The benefits of pet ownership are measurable: lower stress levels, less likelihood of heart attacks, increased fitness, reduced depression.

But there is a dark side: Allergies. Approximately 10% of people have some sort of pet allergy, two-thirds of which are cat allergies. These unfortunate souls have to deal with runny noses, itchy eyes, bothersome sneezing fits, rashes, breathing problems and swollen nasal membranes.

Modifications to deal with pets in the home. Even with no allergies, you want to make sure to replace your furnace filter more frequently as pet hairs and other contaminants can gather in the filter, clogging it faster and gathering in your ductwork and other surfaces. For allergy situations, mechanical system modifications can go a long way to alleviate some of the issues with pet allergies.

Typical HVAC filters are capable of removing particles down to 3 microns in size, depending on its Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV) rating. High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filters were developed by military scientists to remove radioactive particles from the air. Since then, they’ve gone through development and entered the mainstream market for the benefit of us ordinary folk. These HEPA Filters are capable of removing 99.97% of particles down to 0.3 microns in size. This includes pet dander at 2.5 microns.

In addition to changing your filter type to HEPA, you can get an air purifier that goes the extra mile in removing small particles like pet dander.  Keep in mind this is no replacement for proper filtration in your furnace, only a supplement.

More frequent duct cleaning will reduce allergens and pet hair recirculation in your home.

Increased ventilation replaces stale indoor air (full of pet dander) with fresh outdoor air. Whereas a washroom exhaust fan or two might be enough for the typical home, installing a ventilator or having  an outdoor air intake duct might be necessary for pet owners.

Give HVAC Industries a call and we can get your HVAC system pet-owner friendly.

