HUMIDIFIER and DEHUMIDIFIERThe right level of humidity in your home can make a big difference, not just in the comfort level but also in maintaining the right balance of moisture in the air and reducing the occurrence of mold and mildew in the home. Many experts in HVAC industries can tell homeowners that choosing the right humidifier or dehumidifier can make a big difference in the efficiency of their furnace, heat pump, and air conditioner.

There are a few key signs that you need to have a humidifier or dehumidifier in your house. And, if you have questions, don’t forget to ask the experts at HVAC Industries for a recommendation.

Signs That You Need a Humidifier

Humidity gets a bad rap sometimes, especially in the summertime when you walk outdoors and feel it immediately. However, just because summer weather can be humid outside doesn’t mean that you don’t need more humidity inside. In fact, the air conditioner in your house actually dries out your air indoors, which can lead to a few issues with both the health of the people living there and the home itself.

A humidifier adds more moisture to the air in a building and can help balance out the effects of your HVAC system drying the air out. There are a few warning signs that you may need a humidifier in the house. Some affect your body and some affect your house and possessions.

You may experience:

  • Itchy and dry skin, both on the face and body
  • Flare-ups of certain skin conditions
  • Frequent sore throats without having a cold or flu
  • Nosebleeds
  • Increased illness of people and pets

Your house may experience:

  • Splitting floorboards, epically in older homes with hardwood floors
  • Increased static shocks when walking across carpet or rugs
  • Splitting furniture or splintering of wooden furnishings

If this happens, you can choose a single room humidifier for those affected by the drier air, or choose a whole-home humidifier option that works with your entire house’s HVAC system.

Signs That You Need a Dehumidifier

While dry air can be unpleasant for both yourself and your home, air with too much moisture in it can be just as damaging, but for different reasons. Furnaces and air conditioners tend to dry the air in a house out, but certain rooms may not receive the dry-air benefits, and the excess moisture in places like a basement can have detrimental effects on the entire house and the health of the people and pets living there.

In the summertime, many houses are affected by excess moisture. There are a few key indicators that you need a dehumidifier to dry out the r wither in one room or in the whole house. These can include:

  • Muggy air inside
  • The smell of mildew, which can also smell like wet newspapers
  • Noticeable mold growth on the walls
  • Increased incidences of sickness for people and pets – mold and mildew can affect the respiratory systems and bacteria and viruses can spread more rapidly in humid conditions
  • Rotting wood in the home

Benefits of Whole–House Systems Humidifier and Dehumidifier

Opting for whole-home humidifiers and dehumidifiers can be the best option to regulate the amount of moisture in your home’s air. These systems are professionally installed, to ensure that they work with your existing HVAC system and that they are working correctly. Plus, a professional can help ensure that the humidifier and dehumidifier are balanced at the change of seasons, making both you and your home healthier.

Call HVAC Industries For Your Whole-Home System!

We’re the experts in finding the right fit for a whole-home humidifier and dehumidifier, and we’re ready to help you make your house more liveable. Give our team of experts a call or visit us online to find out how you can reduce your chances of developing mold and mildew and improve your health and the condition of your home and furniture. We can’t wait to work with you!
